
Marble Mural



The piece is a hymn to marble; a 10 x 2m wall consisting of 7 marble pieces of different origin, natural history, color, texture and image. These marble pieces are treated with various traditional and digital techniques of workmanship that mingle with the inherent material narrations; holes, hidden or visible cuts, two or three dimensional relief, digital or handmade print, imagery from the  past and the future, light.
Consequently, marble is revealed not as the clean and current matter we are accostomed to seeing it as, but rather as a rich, thick live object that hides and reveals stories, can be transformed into a painting, stands up and even creates space.
status: built
program: exhibition for Interior Design 2010
location: Athens, Greece
team: Konstantinos Pantazis, Marianna Rentzou, Beth Hughes, Jean-S?bastien Lebreton
year: 20Marble Mura11/10

The piece is a hymn to marble; a 10 x 2m wall consisting of 7 marble pieces of different origin, natural history, color, texture and image.  

These marble pieces are treated with various traditional and digital techniques of workmanship that mingle with the inherent material narrations; holes, hidden or visible cuts, two or three dimensional relief, digital or handmade print, imagery from the  past and the future, light. Consequently, marble is revealed not as the clean and current matter we are accostomed to seeing it as, but rather as a rich, thick live object that hides and reveals stories, can be transformed into a painting, stands up and even creates space.










status: built
program: exhibition for Interior Design Show 2010
location: Athens, Greece
collaborator: Nikos Sepetzoglou (painter), Hector Papadakis (sculptor)
team: Konstantinos Pantazis, Marianna Rentzou, Beth Hughes, Jean-Sebastien Lebreton, Tassos Gouatsos, Ioannis Gio
sponsors: Perrakis Marbles (supply), Smponias Marbles (CNC), Grammatikas Marbles (water cutting), Opsis (steel frame), Workshop (furniture), Print All (printing supervistion)
year: 2010